I was fortunate enough to fly down to Charlotte, NC yesterday to attend the grand opening of the Howard's newest store location, Mrs. Howard and max & company. WOW (for lack of a better, more accurate phrase)! It was everything I expected and more. I have to admit, first and foremost though, that I spent more time looking up at the beautiful millwork, mouldings, palladian windows and amazing wall coverings and flooring than I did anything else. I could not get enough of the pagoda style moulding above the door in one of the bedroom areas, the dentil moulding with the full 3d balls (yes, I know "spheres" is a more technical term, but they looked like little playing balls! So cool!) in the foyer area, and what appeared to be plasterwork moulding in another area -- truly amazing and so unique. The Howards and their team divided up the old Charlotte Women's Club, under the careful eye of Mr. Howard, into separate rooms of design with amazing limestone on the foyer walls and a floor mosiac upon entering that takes your breath away - almost too beautiful to walk on. Mrs. Howard's designs were, as always, perfection. Every choice of trim, fabric, piece of artwork, down to the tortoise shells on the tables was perfect. I even found that all of the items, which were marked with very small and tastefully done tags, very well priced. If it hadn't been so crowded, I would have jotted down a few item numbers of the artwork that I fell in love with and wanted to take home! It was an amazing experience overall and one which I did not regret flying down and returning the same day to attend. Congratulations to the Howards and their team for doing such a beautiful job in bringing a true gem to Charlotte and I wish them huge success with this endeavour and all others! Brava!
Now, to book that flight to the
2009 Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles Christmas House!
photo courtesy of Mrs. Howard Personal Shopper.com
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