22 January, 2012

Aurora & Kate

Oh, to be the Duchess this week of all weeks!  The Middleton family is fortunate to be visiting the magnificent island of Mustique and staying at the beautiful Aurora Villa.  The villa, which is owned by banker Mark Cecil and rents for roughly 23k per week at high season, is absolutely fit for a prince & princess, and even their own future family! It embodies all that is colonial style of the Caribbean and is so serene that it was also featured in Architectural Digest.  Enjoy!



  1. It's perfect! I could do with a vacation there about now myself. Who couldn't, right?!

    I read the story earlier in the news. So fun to see photos of the inside!! Great job!!!


  2. isn't it just perfect?! being a huge fan of the British Colonial Caribbean style, I am in love with these rooms! have a great day ;)


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